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Ultimate Frisbee Spotlight – Sally Yu

Week 2 of our Ultimate Frisbee Spotlight brings Sally Yu (@yu.sername) into frame. Playing for the Australian Firetails women’s team at the upcoming worlds tournament.

Sally has been dealing with a knee issue throughout her preparation so the goal has been to strengthen but also work around the effected area as much as possible to maintain and improve her power, speed & strength to be ready to go by worlds

Here is a portion of her program she completed last Friday, being a less knee dominant day allowing her to push the weight a bit more.


1A – DB Arabesque

1B – Leg Extension (iso at close to end range)

1C – Prone hip external rotation


2A – Box Jump

2B – Band Side Chops

2C – MB Rainbow Slam


3A – BB Hip Thrust

3B – Chin Ups

3C – DB Bench Press

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