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Youth Athlete

Designed specifically for younger sports men and women under the age of 16. ACE have developed  a well proven LTAD - Long Term Athlete Development strategy, that will teach and develop a youngster to bring out the very best in their sporting performance

Sports Men and Women

I want to be better. I want to be fitter. I need to be stronger. I need speed! All important goals for the every day person as well as athletes. This program will drive athletic performance to amazing new highs. Playing sport at your best level, injury free and confident, requires specialty coaching and support. 

Elite Athletes

This program "Bridges the Gap" between professional training services only ever seen at the elite level in sport and is now available at ACE.

If you are an athlete in a pathway program, semi-professional or professional sporting organisation, then this program is specifically designed for you. 

Fitness Enthusiast

You may be considered an expert in all things 'health and fitness" with your local gym, personal training studio or large group training FAD. You may never get to experience the training exposed at an elite level in sport. This program will provide the very exact same training experience, methods used to generate elite athletes. Why not be trained the same way? This industry is built on results and you deserve the same!


ACE has had the privilege to work with clients from a wide variety of sports, teams, organisations, age groups and levels. On a daily basis you can expect to see athletes from the ages of 8 through to sports men and women in the masters category training in all of our facilities. Olympic, professional, semi-professional, amateur and aspiring athletes use ACE Performance as their high performance specialists with demonstrated expertise in attaining results through a collaborative and all encompassing training model.


At ACE Performance we have a fascination with youth development, especially through the teenage years, which are the most important for establishing a long and successful career in sport. Our coaches are experts in youth and elite performance training programs. With an individualised approach to training athletes, we can ensure all athletes receive knowledgeable and appropriate training methods to attain our clients sporting dreams and performance goals.


Brody Mihcocek
1 3
Bodybuilding gym training vs sport speci
Performance is both physical and Mental.
Hard work has started for most
It’s a bittersweet day as we turn 5 year
No excuses for not running straight now!




The first step of your journey with ACE Performance includes a one-on-one assessment with a Performance Coach at a facility of your choosing. The assessment is comprised of the following:

 Online Athlete Profile – Store and access your training history forever!
Goal Setting
A Performance Coach is assigned to design and implement your program
Performance assessment:
– Running Gait analysis: A video analysis of your running technique (acceleration, deceleration & change of direction)
– Speed gate testing (20m sprint, pro-shuttle)
– Lower body/Upper body power tests
Movement analysis – Injury risk assessment, functional movement screen, flexibility, athlete fundamental development portfolio
A thorough analysis and explanation on your performance testing results
Education on our process in tailoring a program specific to your goals

Once you have completed the initial assessment, you Performance Coach will be able to facilitate all training and development during your time with ACE Performance.





All athletes have different motivators, goals and targets during their time with us. We will provide an in-depth periodisation to ensure that you are continually working towards your short term and long term goals.

Do you need to peak for a competition?

Do you want to ensure you can compete on a testing day?

Long term development strategies are also put in place with your coach to ensure our youth are developing correctly, not cutting corners and training at an appropriate level that creates enjoyment and also success.





Your training program is individually designed for your needs and is created once your Performance Coach has considered a number of factors including:
Goals – short term and long term
Level of development
Training history / Injury history
Assessment results
Enjoyment and success


Your training program will work through a range of performance training sessions

Injury prevention 

Dynamic warm-up 

Mobility and Activation

Speed and agility development

Strength and power development 

Steering - Balance, Proprioception, control, stability and coordination.


Training programs with ACE Performance contain sections designed to develop all aspects of athleticism not only for your sport but also for your overall wellbeing.




All ACE Performance athletes receive a holistic and complete athlete development package. As you will only train with you ACE Performance coach for between 2-4 hours per week, the development does not stop there!

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ACE Youth performance training
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